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This is a quick update/hotfix to missing elements to the map; I have added a second water source, more mob eggs, seeds and foods for farming, and finally some extra chests previously not on the 4 platforms (I will not fix the off-center south island we will all have to live with that).

Now with that out of the way, like I previously said:

On this map, you will have 5 floating islands and 4 platforms to build from and to over the open void.

On each island, there will be a small bedrock structure with a button on top that consumes your Xp and gives you an item, but how much Xp that is needed and what item it gives varies island to island.

Unlike the islands, the floating platforms and their bedrock structures are plain to see and the amount of Xp needed is set across all platforms and displayed out in the open, however, what item they give is still for you to find out.

Connect all 5 islands and 4 platforms or stay confined on the main island and set up the 8 other bedrock structures as small shops, how you live out your time on this map is up to you.

  • Main island - Oak Tree, 1 Chest
  • North island - Birch Tree, 1 Chest
  • East island - Spruce Tree, 1 Chest
  • South island - Jungle Tree, 1 Chest
  • West island - Cactus, 1 Chest


- Added new structure to the north.
- Added new structure to the south.

- Added more mob eggs.
- Added farmable crops.
- Added second water source to acquire.
- Added chests on floating platforms.



2019-10-22 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: ALLxISxGONE
(237 votes)
Map Version: v1.8
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
File Size: 398 KB
Date Added: 2019-10-22
Downloads: 8,698
Map Category: Survival Maps

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