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Map Info

There are three categories of settings you can enable. They are Easy, Challenging, and Expansive.

The easy category helps newer players or helps you complete tasks faster. For example, if you don't like mining cobblestone for long periods of time then you can enable an automatic cobblestone generator to help you out.

The challenging category tries to make the game harder by, for example, adding a "No Jumping" option.

The expansive category gives you more to do. With these options, you can add up to three islands.

Your main goal in the map is to kill the wither. This is possible because the nether has two towers that each have a spawner in it.

One spawns wither skeletons and the other spawns blaze.


  • Don't use commands/cheats.
  • Build your nether portal relatively close to the spawn island.
  • Stay within a 300 block radius or so of your spawn island. Anywhere further will be in "The Void" biome.
  • Don't go near, stand on, or use the giant bedrock box to your advantage. It is visible from the spawn island. Please ignore it.
  • Defeat the wither.

Additional Info

Let me know if you find any bugs and please tell me if you have any thoughts on things I could change, add, or remove.

Please check out my previous map, Variety, a multi-genre map inspired by Diversity and check out my YT channel for a trailer of this map and a walkthrough of Variety.

Thank you for reading and have a good day



2019-10-08 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: FatalVortex
(131 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
File Size: 21.8 MB
Date Added: 2019-10-08
Downloads: 13,646
Map Category: Survival Maps

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