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Trivia Search 2

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The sequel to the original Trivia Search map!

This is a combination of Find the Button and Minecraft Trivia. On each level, there are 2 questions hidden that you have to find, once you’ve found the question, you have to search for the answer, which is also hidden somewhere in the level.

You’ll be presented with easy and hard question about Minecraft and its mechanics. This map has 6 levels and way more to explore than the first map!


  1. No cheating
  2. Don’t answer the same question correctly twice
  3. Set graphics to fancy
  4. Set render distance to 8+ chunks
  5. Stay in gamemode adventure
  6. Minecraft version 1.14.3
  7. Turn clouds off
  8. Don’t just randomly press buttons



2019-08-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: PurpleStriped
(21 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.14.3
File Size: 578 KB
Date Added: 2019-08-03
Downloads: 1,908
Map Category: Finding Maps

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