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60 Minute Escape: Evershift Manor

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Welcome to Evershift Manor!

This is a Minecraft Map modelled like a timed escape room where you must solve puzzles and complete trials to escape. You have 60 minutes to get the Escape Key and leave these twisted halls. Are you up for the challenge.

Set Up:

-Map is recommended for 1-3 players

-You MUST play with the texture pack installed in the map. If you are playing in multiplayer the texture pack download is here. I repeat you MUST have the texture pack, it is impossible to complete the map without it!

-Optifine is recommended but not essential 

-If you are a Youtuber please give credit. I created this map for free so just some recognition would be greatly appreciated 


(not essential, just for fun)

Evershift Manor is home to a famed Inventor. There have been rumours that he has been working on an invention that can travel through time. As a journalist you decide to sneak into his house when he is on holidays in Melbourne, but suddenly, You are trapped with only 60 minutes to escape before you imminent death. Could the legends be true? Can you escape Evershift Manor?

Glowing Tree:

This Map was made by GlowingTree, an Australian Minecraft Map Maker.

It would be amazing if you could show us some love over at our Youtube and Twitter

If you like this map check out Glowing Trees other Maps:





2019-07-05 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Glowing Tree
(240 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 3.8 MB
Date Added: 2019-07-05
Downloads: 34,067
Map Category: Escape Maps

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