In Progress by WinnieTheDampoeh, you play a series of fun games. All custom designed for your pleasure.
- Do whatever you want
- Have fun
- The best way to have fun is if you follow these guidlines:
- Play in 1.14(.3)
- Play in adventure
- Play with cheats on
- Play with the following gamerules (They should be on already):
- commandBlockOutput false
- doDayLightCycle false
- doLimitedCrafting true
- doWeatherCycle false
- keepInventory true
- randomTickSpeed 0
- sendCommandFeedback false
- showDeathMessages false
- spectatorsGenerateChunks true
- Play with only one player, yourself.
- Read everything
Custom Commands:
- Use '/trigger Settings' to get the map settings in the chat
- Use '/trigger Reset' to reset the map. Don't use whilst playing the map.
- Use '/trigger Start' to go back to the spawn. Don't use whilst playing the map.
- Use '/trigger Checkpoint' to go back to your last checkpoint. Only works during the parcour.
Time: 15-30 minutes

2019-08-02 - Map Released.