It's another "What Doesn't Belong" map. Test your Minecraft knowledge (you could also MCWiki it but that's no fun) in these thirty levels, and then your Minecraft culture in six bonus levels, with a Final Level after completing the bonus levels.
Each level has at your disposal a hint and a give up function (although giving up is pretty pointless since guessing would be less penalizing), as well as unique fail dialogue for every wrong answer! That's right; I spent an extra minute per wrong answer trying to think of witty fail dialogue, so maybe click the wrong answer every so often?
These thirty levels are divided into ten levels with a different level layout theme (notice I say layout and not question): Quartz levels, Underwater levels, and Guardian (temple) levels. Each level doesn't promise to be unfairly difficult or become harder than the last level, but I can promise you that each answer is unique and no block is the answer twice.
More than that, this is my first map. When it comes to command blocks and mapmaking, I have no idea what I'm doing (okay, it's more of a vague sense, but still). But nonetheless, it holds up for this map!

2019-06-24 - Map Released.