DISCLAIMER: Any resemblance to persons, locations, brands or companies in real life are purely coincidental.
- The item frames saying "Monitor 1: No input signal" are screens of different kinds, mostly TV's.
- You are allowed to redistribute the map any way you want as long as the credit goes to me and links back to this page.
- The map is vanilla, but it looks good with shaders. The use of texture packs may change the look, both ways.
- Try to download the map again if you spawned in an empty superflat world. Some players experiences this bug.
The island of Komodo offers a variety of different areas to explore! From the high-rises in North Bay to the industry area in Orchid Springs, everything is in a close proximity to the Komodo Summit - a dormant volcano. All areas are connected by roads. The spawn is set in the airport, and you might have to walk some time to get to the main part of the island! A list of the features
- Volcano Observatory
- Communication Antenna Tower
- Container Port + Container Ship
- Oil Refinery + Tanker
- International Airport
- Cargo Warehouse
- Small Cement Plant
- Construction Site
- Bus Depot
- Gas Stations
- Police Station
- Fire Station
- Hospital
- Two Beach Hotels
- Lighthouse
- Beach + Yacht
- Elementary School
- Church
- Town Hall
- Town Square
- Residential Area
- Townhouse Quarter
- Office Buildings
- Bank
- A Low-end Residential Area In The Industrial District
- Sewer With Sewer Treatment Plant
- Parking Garages
- Grade 6-12 High School With Various Sport Fields
- Zoo
- A Large Residential Area With More Than 20 New Unique Suburb-style Houses
- Car Ferry Terminal + Car Ferry
- Another Lighthouse
- Another Hotel
- Casino
- Cinema
- Another Restaurant
- Condominium-building
- Grocery Store And Pharmacy
- Upgraded Industrial Area With Several Different Warehouses, etc..
- Upgraded Khrushchyovkas To Brick-based Blocks
- Minor Improvements Across The Map
All buildings are as already mentioned fully furnished! The apocalyptic version of this map will be my next project.
Got feedback or suggestions for new versions, or just a question? Let me know in the comments or in my Discord channel

2019-06-22 - Map Released.