Made for CaptainSparklez (contains references)!
"Which country doesn't belong?" is an educational puzzle map for Minecraft where you are presented with a set of four country heads and your task is to guess which one doesn't follow a particular correlation. This is done by clicking the button in front of the option that you think is correct.
Good luck and have fun!
- A "YOUTUBERS who have played the map" & "YOUTUBERS who have played my previous map" section!
- A TUTORIAL stage (1st stage)!
- 50 challenging QUESTIONS involving all 196 different countries & 4 American states (escalating in difficulty)!
- An EXPLANATION sign after each room (make sure to click on it and read it after each level)!
- VISUAL representation for questions regarding map locations & others (in the form of custom painting textures)!
- A HINT sign in every room (don't be guilty of using each and every one of them)!
- NO DEATH penalty or teleporting as a result of incorrect guesses (you'll have a counter for those)!
- A completely STRAIGHTFORWARD concept (without side distractions to keep track of to later refer to in the map)!
- MULTIPLAYER compatibility; make sure your server hosting service supports resource packs for the world specific one within the map or install it manually (feel free to make X33N suffer along with you Cap, that was enjoyable content).
- Play in version 1.14!
- Play in Adventure Mode (sign to switch to Spectator available at the end of the map)!
- Play in Peaceful Difficulty!
- Play with Brightness Settings set to Bright!
- Don't cheat (or at least try not to)!
Estimated play time: 40-60 minutes.

2019-04-27 - Map Released.