Bombs Away!

BOMBS AWAY - ULTIMATE TNT WARS Welcome to the ONLY TNT Wars map where there are over 1 MILLION ways to set up the map! In this map, you can combine the islands and wall in whatever way you want. In addition, you can set how good the armor will be, whether the dispensers come PRE-LOADED with TNT, and more! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! In this map, there are also MODIFIERS for the TNT! You can use Nukes to rain TNT on the other island, or Hellfire to burn your opponent, or even Frozen to freeze the enemy cannon's water and blow it up! There are seven modifiers you can use to troll your opponents: NUKES - Arrow Rain - Poison Gas - Hellfire - Frozen - Lightning Blast - Paratroopers. If they end up being too OP, you can flick one lever in the Configuration Plane to disable them. This map takes inspiration from Fire vs Ice Modified TNT Wars. HOW TO PLAY This game is for 2-4 players. Players will start in the Config Plane, where all the game settings are. Decide which of the four wall settings you want (Standard, Sand, Hellfire, or Aquatic), then go to your island settings pane. Right-click the "Join (X) Team" sign, create an island of your choice, and use the "Move Island Further" sign to move your island to an agreeable distance. Make sure your opponents do the same. 24 blocks (one press) is generally the correct distance. Then, click the "Go To Island" sign, count the game down, and start building! After the game is over, each player should either click "Back to Config Plane" in their supply house or jump off the edge. Press the "Comprehensive Map Destruction Sequence" button after every round, then the "Refresh Enderchests" button. RULES OF THE GAME Each player should build a TNT cannon to shoot the other player. If one decides to build over the wall, the other is allowed to /give themselves a bow and arrow, then shoot him/her off their bridge. That death will count. If a player dies to an enemy TNT explosion, burns to death from Hellfire TNT-produced lava, or is killed by an enemy Paratrooper, the death counts and the player is out of the game! If a player kills him or herself (too many nukes?), they get one suicide. Make sure to check out the Bombs Away Tutorial.
2019-03-28 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | EnderEyeGames |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.0 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.13.2 |
File Size: | 8.5 MB |
Date Added: | 2019-03-28 |
Downloads: | 5,404 |
Map Category: | PVP Maps |