Welcome to Womble’s SkyBlock. This is Vanilla skyblock, but not as you know it. This is for the hardcore, long-term players of minecraft. Those who want to challenge their skills, and explore everything that vanilla minecraft has to offer. You will be dabbling in everything, creating all types of builds, bases, and fighting as many mobs as possible. If you don’t know how to do an objective, look it up, research it - the map creator will not help you. Naturally more fun with friends, but very playable on your own if you want to test yourself!
You spawn on a 5x5 island, 128 blocks up. You are the central island of 9 in a 3x3 layout, each new island is 128 blocks away from the other. There is also an end portal and nether portal above and below the spawn island. Explore all areas and complete all missions to complete this challenge.
- Render Distance - Less than 8 - Difficulty - Normal + - RandomTickSpeed - x2 (40) - Day/Night Cycle - On - Gamemode - Survival - KeepInventory - False/Off (if you fall, you fall, that's the point of SkyBlock!) - Complete all missions - No Jumping off to regenerate your health/hunger. - Try to have fun!
1. Expand the Island 2. Create a cobble generator 3. Build a Shelter 4. Bridge to your first island 5. Create a friendly mob farm 6. Make a Bed 7. Make an Aggressive Mob Farm 8. Expand further 9. Make a Pumpkin Farm 10. Make a Melon Farm 11. Make a Wheat Farm 12. Make a Potato Farm 13. Make a Carrot Farm 14. Make a Beetroot Farm 15. Make a Mushroom Farm 16. Make a Sugar Cane Farm 17. Make a Kelp Farm 18. Save Bill, Phil and Jill from their Prison and let them join you on your quest 19. Visit the Nether using the portal below 20. Make a Netherwart Farm 21. Build an Infinite Villager Breeder 22. Build an Iron Golem Iron Farm 23. Build a Villager Trading Hall 24. Visit the End 25. Kill the Ender Dragon 26. Raid some Ender Cities and find Diamonds 27. Fly using an Elytra and some firework rockets 28. Automate all your farms using redstone 29. Create a Piston Door (3x3) 30. Build a Mega-Base 31. Use colourful blocks and dyes to make some Pixel art 32. Create an XP Farm using Furnaces 33. Use an Enchantment Table with full power. 34. Kill a Wither 35. Make a Beacon 36. Create a minecart network to get to all the islands. 37. Explore all 11 islands and all 3 worlds 38. Create a fully expanded map. 39. Kill 100 of every basic mob - Creeper - Zombie - Spider - Skeleton 40. Kill 25 of each Medium Mob - Phantom - Enderman - Witch - Drowned 41. Kill 10 of every Nether mob - Ghast - Blaze - Wither Skeleton - Magma Cube - Zombie Pigman 42. Create an AFK Fishing station 43. Eat every type of food 44. The Museum Mission - Collect 1 of every obtainable survival block and display it. 45. Make a pretty garden 46. Make a futuristic build 47. Make a Medieval/Historic build 48. Make a modern build 49. Make a steampunk build 50. End the game and share your adventure with others and the map creator!

2019-03-28 - Map Released.