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Map Info

Windmill is a fun 2-player board game based on the real board game called, in fact, Windmill!

✧ Rules

The rules are simple. There are three phases: the placing phase, where you can place 9 pieces anywhere on the board, the moving phase, where you can move your pieces in nearby spots, and the flying phase, where you can move them anywhere on the board. Every time you get a row of three pieces, you are able to remove an opponent piece. The player that reaches 2 pieces loses.

✧ Models and builds

This map contains amazing builds for things like the lobby or the parkour (used to spend time while waiting for a game to end) and unique models/ textures used in original ways.

✧ Realms

This map is now also available on Realms!

✧ Creators

Federick, Gamerrizz, Ds43m, McTsts, Marhjo, misode, TTEXTT, 59_, Chopper2112, TTEXTT, MrKukurykpl



2019-02-16 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Vertex Creations
(42 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 3.8 MB
Date Added: 2019-02-16
Downloads: 975
Map Category: Game Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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