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Notes and Misunderstandings: Despite the map name, this map does not contain content considered "demonetizable". No actual money is required to play; everything is listed as in-game currency. You do not have to be affiliated with or own a channel on YouTube to play this map.

Map Details

  • Demonetized v1.10.1
  • Play this map on Minecraft version 1.13.2
  • Players: 1 or more; it is recommended you play with others
  • Playtime: 20 minutes - 1 hour
  • The map can be replayed without having to re-download it
  • Notice: Fire resistance is disabled, since you can easily win by bathing in the lava traps

Out of the Loop?

What is a demonetization? A video that YouTube doesn't like will be "demonetized", or stripped of its ads so the uploader cannot make any more money off it, often displayed with a dollar sign in a yellow circle. Many people joke about this, as YouTube's automatic bot can demonetize perfectly innocent videos.

In this map, the video gets deleted instead. A bit unrealistic, but it works.

Instructions: Main Objective

Waves of yellow demonetization coins will cross a field and attack your headquarters. It is your job to eliminate all of these before they reach a green coin (monetizations). Once all ten of your monetizations are gone, it's game over.

Each wave will increasingly become more and more difficult; and at the end of each wave, a one minute prep is given. There are infinite waves, meaning a world record can be set.

More information and instructions in the map.


- Added a trash can
- Added copyright mobs to prevent "kiting" for long periods of time
- Added visual instructions
- Added a quality setting
- Video nametags now only appear while in the channel customization room
- Removed some cobweb/wall slots near YouTube HQ

- Fixed a bug where some Demonetizers would attack the YouTube HQ
- Fixed a bug where the game wouldn't start or stop
- Removed some trapdoors near the control room to prevent cheating
- Added a more fortified barrier next to the videos to prevent "kiting" mobs into the player's HQ
- Changed the speed of the play buttons to be slightly faster

- Removed right-click function within monetization cubes
- Fixed a bug where not everyone was teleported to the arena when in multiplayer
- Slowed down the silver and gold play buttons
- Decreased the amount of pressure plates on the field
- Fixed the link on the end screen
- Added cobweb/wall placement areas in front of some pressure plates
- Improved some aesthetics (lit sign, flattened end logo, etc.)
- Updated world record holder



2019-02-13 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: iGrantastic
(100 votes)
Map Version: v1.10.1
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 1.09 MB
Date Added: 2019-02-13
Downloads: 8,069
Map Category: PvE Maps

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