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What is Missing?

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Welcome to What's Missing.

What's Missing is a fun matching game inspired by Trevor's What Doesn't Belong and iGrantastic's What Belongs.


First 10 Stages:

You will be given a set of 3 blocks and/or items and you job is to choose another block and/ore item that fits in that category. You will be given 9 options to choose from in your hotbar. Only one is correct and you will get the reason why once the level is completed.

Next 5 Stages:

You will be given a set of 3 mobs instead of blocks or items. Otherwise everything else is the same.

Next 5 Stages:

You will be given a set of 2 blocks and/or items. Everything else is the same.


This map relies heavily on player height. Please avoid jumping when submitting your answer!


- Made a correction on the 14th Level to not include multiple correct answers. Thanks to Super DeathCraft Bros for pointing this out!

- Fixed the first puzzle automatically finishing when you hovered over the correct answer.



2019-01-20 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: CrazyCowMM external
(20 votes)
Map Version: v1.3
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 1.12 MB
Date Added: 2019-01-20
Downloads: 1,893
Map Category: Trivia Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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