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Odd One Out 2

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The sequel to the Odd One Out. Which again is inspired by Trevor's "Which Doesn't Belong".

This map again is made for CaptainSparklez.

The rules in case you don't know them, are simple. You have to choose the odd one out, out of a set of blocks. The reason can be anything, from color, to block type, to *'Insert some hard question here'. The questions further on will try to trick you.

This map has a different procedure from my first map. It starts off simpler, moving on to harder and more deceitful sets of blocks. Also at the end there will be two guess-the-build questions.

Thank you for clicking onto this page and reading this, and I hope you decide to play my map!

P.S. Gold has an animation.


- Changed door handle rotations in the second spot the difference map to lessen confusion.
- Fixed grass in spot the difference level.



2019-01-18 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: CommandMC_
(44 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 1.07 MB
Date Added: 2019-01-18
Downloads: 1,868
Map Category: Trivia Maps

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