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Mission Cold

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From the same creators that brought you Parkour Island, and the ongoing Reality of Dreams series, comes Mission Cold. 

Mission Cold is a 1-10 player adventure map, centered around the idea of racing your friends. Featuring voice acting, music, custom sounds, models, textures, and really cool hallways, this map is sure to be a blast.


After most employees have already left to spend their remaining time with their families, you and any others arrive at the TRG headquarters, to be briefed on your secret mission to save the most important man in minecraftia, from a killer storm.

Gameplay tips

  • In case you drive too far into an unloaded area, feel free to either stop your vehicle and let the chunks load in- or press F3+A to reload them instantly. 
  • Hostile mobs = Music for the most part 
  • Friendly mobs = Voices for the most part 
  • Click all signs, who knows, you might discover something hidden.


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- Jerry, why are you looking at the ground?
- Signs no longer have [] in front of some lines.
- Ice now appears to be snow as it should.
- Made it more clear that walking into the "beam" in the ending room takes you to the credits.
- Some - T R G - touch ups.
- Added Mission Cold title in the starting room.
- You can now explore the rest of the - T R G - after you've finished the map!

- Second texture hot fix. Appears the file was not updated properly. Elevator door, boat, and railing textures should be fixed now.
- Also fixed possible glitch with all villagers not being spawned in.
- Some command blocks(non-major ones but still) had not been properly updated. Fixed those.
- Removed open to LAN requirement as cheats have been enabled on the world.

- Fixed texture pack.
- Fixed Jerry attacking you.



2018-12-25 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Team Blocksanity
(109 votes)
Map Version: v1.3
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 46 MB
Date Added: 2018-12-25
Downloads: 6,840
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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