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Trial of Water

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The farmers are desperate after a continuing draught has struck the land. The riverbeds are dry and it hasn't rained in weeks. The crops are withering and it won't be long until their livestock, and eventually the people will starve to death. It's up to you to prove yourself worthy to the gods, so that they will grant you the blessing of water and help you save the farming community.

Don't worry, the map doesn't waste much time on story and will drop you right into the puzzlesolving, dungeon pathfinding, mazerunning and bossfighting action. Use your knowledge of minecraft mechanics and skills to complete a waterflow down a set of canals and gain access to the shrine underneath the great fountain.



2018-12-18 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Peonofthepen
(94 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 3.4 MB
Date Added: 2018-12-18
Downloads: 4,646
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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