WARNING: This map recommends an OptiFine client, to improve performance and make the world fit and look nicer. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED. When playing this map in multiplayer (on a hosted server), please make sure that the DATA PACK is actually in the "datapacks" folder, otherwise, the map will NOT work!
The Christmas Redemption is an adventure map made for singleplayer, but it can still be 100% played with up to 4 players. You were REALLY naughty in 2018, posting offensive memes and being not so nice to the others around you. You still wonder though, why you didn't get a present. But, Santa is a forgiving man. He will give you a present this year. But only, if you show that you can change!
In this map, Santa will give you quests to complete in order to satisfy him, such as collecting presents and defending the village. Your trouble here isn't your health. Every mob, either has poking arrows, axes made only out of snow... YOU. CAN. FREEZE.
This map is really short, only ACTUALLY taking an hour or less (not like in The Ultimate Thief), but if you still like it, I would appreciate it, if you join my Discord server, by clicking here. Thanks for your time!
v1.1: - made the crafting table in quest 3 a lot easier to spot - made small changes in the hub area - changed some tellraws to better explain my points - fixed a couple small bugs and updated visuals in some sequences

2018-12-18 - Map Released.