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SuperFurious Find the Button

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Your objective is simple, find the button. Each of the 13 detailed levels are based on the youtubers Popularmmos and Gamingwithjen. I came up with the name as a play on words with part of FuriousDestroyer's and Supergirlygamer's names, also its how you are gonna be at the end of the map... super furious! I put a lot of time and detail into this map, so please take your time and explore each level as you find the button.

Also I promise no matter how hard to levels may seem, they are definitely possible.


Play with command blocks on, keep inventory true, command block output false, adventure mode and on easy. The rest of the rules can be read in the starting room.


Please link my channel if your description if you play my map, and please message me and let me know you played it.

If enough people play it I will start and new and better find the button map, now that I kinda know what I'm doing lol!




2018-12-15 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Squirrelette
(70 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 1 MB
Date Added: 2018-12-15
Downloads: 5,354
Map Category: Finding Maps

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