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You are an alien traveler trying to get home after you crash your spaceship on a strange planet.

Afraid and alone, you start to explore the planet in hopes of finding a way back home, but start to get the sense that this "planet" might be more than meets the eye...


Render Distance: Minimum of 14 chunks, but preferably more
Clouds: On
Brightness: Bright (100%)
FOV: Normal (70)
Particles: All
Graphics: Fast
Difficulty: Easy, minimum

  • Don't break any blocks, unless it's to fix something you accidently broke or get unstuck.
  • Don't use any cheats or hacks while you play.
  • Don't switch from gamemode 0, unless you're fixing something or you've finished the map.
  • Don't use the totems to revive yourself, otherwise that will break the map.
  • If you really need to you can alter some of the settings, except for render distance, particles and difficulty.

Artifacts and Bluestones

  • Bluestones act as the point system in the game. They look like a normal diamond. There are 64 in total, so try to find them all!
  • Artifacts are trophies you can find in each room. They look like an enchanted item. They can be found in each room. There are 12 in total.
  • Feel free to message me on Discord and tell me your score!


Guythegrey - Mapmaker, builder, redstone, commands
Minetrain2002 - Tester, bug-finder
DuskShadow - Tester, bug-finder
FatBoyo - Tester, bug-finder
FAMOFFATT - Tester, Bug-finder, helped with disco floor
King3G - Tester, bug-finder
HydroTitan - Tester, bug-finder
PaintShenanigans - Tester, bug-finder, accidently gave me the original idea
SimplyJamie - 
Tester, bug-finder


- Removed spawn point in the Secret Room.
- Fixed a couple of grammatical errors.



2018-11-25 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Guythegrey
(79 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 1.1 MB
Date Added: 2018-11-25
Downloads: 7,177
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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