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The Mapper

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Map Info

The mapper is a story driven map about a mapper named Artsicle.

Someone offers to get out of the map, you take the offer.

You must collect 3 teleportation fragments to get out of the map, but will the Artsicle find out about your little plot before you manage to complete it?

WARNING! This map comes in a package, once you download the map the map file will not be directly inside of the zip. You will have to dig through the files to until you find a file with the name "The Mapper", there is also a file named "README.txt", which you can also find it's contents here. The package comes with 3 files. 1, the map. 2, thumbnails (if you're a youtuber). 3, the resource pack (if you're playing it multiplayer. It comes pre-equipped in singleplayer)


  • This map is multiplayer compatible.
  • If you're going to play this map multiplayer, send who you're playing it with the file.


  • There are pictures of the map in the thumbnails folder.
  • If you do record on youtube i'd like to see your video! If you got the map from, comment your video, and if you got the map from, reply with your video! I'll put youtubers' videos in the post!
  • Although I doubt there will be any youtubers playing this map, still good to prepare.


The map folder is "The Mapper". To install it go to your saves directory, normally you go to the file explorer and type "%appdata%.minecraftsaves", and then drag it in there.

Unless you configured it so the map doesnt go in there, you drag the map file in there. It will appear as the top map in your worlds list in-game.

My discord is Art#9713 if you need to contact me, go to the minecraft maps discord and ask me.



2018-08-10 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Artsicle
(195 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.13
File Size: 36.9 MB
Date Added: 2018-08-10
Downloads: 28,598
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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