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Anyone is Playing

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Hello there, and here is the not-so-long-awaited sequel of Someone is Playing, a map that got popular for... reasons. Now, anyone is playing this map. Who? Not you that's for sure.

The idea is the same. You can't play it. Because someone else is already playing it. Ok, bye.

But er, IF you play it, don't play it with 2, don't cheat unless you're really stuck, and don't tell Mark you're there. Also your render distance, difficulty, mode etc don't matter, everything is put into functions.

Stay "tuned" (stop looking, there is no pun) for more complicated maps, this is just something I threw together in a week or something. Can you manage to gather 0 players? I couldn't, maybe you have more luck.



2018-07-31 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Dieuwt external
(101 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.13
File Size: 1.3 MB
Date Added: 2018-07-31
Downloads: 7,085
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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