1.13 is here, and that means lots of new things were added, and this piston house makes use of a lot of them. There are over 25 different redstone features! Whether you just want to see a cool build, or get ideas for a cool base or need inspiration for building redstone, this piston house will have you covered!
What is a piston house you ask? It's a normal house, which includes rooms underground also, which is jam-packed with redstone contraptions! And this one has a lot of contraptions! And it's not just a cool redstone showcase, it's in a well-fitted house with great design. One of the hardest parts about building a piston house is fitting everything in a small area, and having to make the house still look good.
Here are some of the features:
- Rustic style Exterior and Interior design.
- 6 different sections of the house, including a secret lair and a basement.
- An auto smelter, an auto brewing station, and auto sugarcane farm, and auto kelp farm, a stone generator.
- 2 aquariums: a wall aquarium and a floor aquarium.
- A 2 wide hidden floor staircase, a key accessed secret room, a secret wall door, a secret floor storage, an auto-closing door, a block swapping gate/fence, a hidden enchanting room, a hidden crafting table.
- A working shower, a working toilet, a wake-up alarm next to the bed, an experience dispenser, an ocean gear auto equipper, a pop-up couch, an outside water fountain, a food dispensing chest, and more!
I hope you enjoy this house map! And take inspiration from the Redstone! -Finesden.

2018-08-25 - Map Released.