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CubicPuzzles is a short and fun map! There are lots of secrets and Easter eggs that you can discover as well!

Now this is my first map so its kinda bad but I mean for a beginner I think its ok... This map was inspired by Terra Swoop Force a Minecraft elytra map. It was so cool when I played it and that inspired me to make this map... I love puzzles so of course its a puzzle map!

Now I dont see a lot of maps with different endings so i decided to make 2 endings to this map! The map took me a day and a half to make (thats why its kinda short lol.)

The Story Line

So you sign up for this job to be a scientist and your first job is to be a test subject!

You have to complete 3 test chambers with puzzles to get to the next room... These puzzles also include glitches to get to special places.

Additional Info

  • Now this is vanilla minecraft so there are no mods and I recommend no texture packs or resource packs.
  • This is on version 1.12.2.
  • Play time of the map is around 10 to 30 minutes because it depends on how quick you figure out the puzzles and if you get both endings and find all the secrets and bla bla bla...

This map was made by tourtis899 LittleLocky101 NOT tourtis899 because he had the idea and then i had some ideas and then he was like just take over the map BUT IM STILL THE CREATOR and he said he would help me along the way and I GOT NO HELP WHAT SO EVER! so im taking credit cause i made the whole thing.



2018-07-15 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: LittleLocky101
(44 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 299 KB
Date Added: 2018-07-15
Downloads: 2,749
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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