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This map was made on the Minecraft 1.13-pre3 snapshot. It also works on Minecraft 1.13-pre5. You'll need to enable snapshots in the Minecraft Launcher.

Map Info

If you require any assistance with the map, please give me a ping on my discord server.

Check out the map trailer!

What is this map you ask? Well...

p.13 is a shortish puzzle map that is designed to show off a few new mechanics in 1.13 as well as prove to people that 1.13 isn't so different from other versions.

Why should I play then?

Well, this map takes a slightly unique spin on the standard Minecraft puzzle map formula. The goal is to get the button, but it's not the "next" button you're looking for. Instead you must find the "Start" button.

Ok... and...

Oh, you want more? Well this map might cause a bit of rage(can't understand why you would want that...) as all the rooms are quite small, yet that doesn't mean the puzzles are easy. This map also includes unique puzzles that have never before been seen! Just play the map to see will ya.

Final Note!
If this "concept" is received well I will make a full map out if this( story, more levels, etc.) so ye.



2018-06-30 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: CrazyCowMM external
(21 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.13
File Size: 1.6 MB
Date Added: 2018-06-30
Downloads: 2,006
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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