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Find The Key 2

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Welcome to Find The Key II! As promised, here is the sequel to the original Find The Key. You've been trapped in a basement, it's dark, it's cold, it's scary, and it's lonely. Your only way out is the back door, however, it has been barred up. The only way to escape this is to find the key, hidden in a secret room.

You will begin in a dark 5x5 room, be sure to check around you before exiting the room as there may a hint and a helpful item. As before, you will be given three hints hidden throughout the basement. Each hinting item will be enchanted and named "Hint" followed by the hint written inside quotation marks ("").

As you progress through this challenge, you will find a lever named "Key", and even though this may look like the key, it is not. The backdoor is barred, the key you find will open it, but you won't be able to escape. That key is the key to the secret room holding the key you need to escape, and once you find the correct key, the bars will automatically be removed allowing you to escape. The key will be enchanted and named "Backdoor".

There is no timer this time, so there's no need to stress. Take your time, search carefully, and use your best judgement. Good luck, have fun, and remember: find the key.



2018-06-14 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: KhaosGaming_KG
(22 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 367 KB
Date Added: 2018-06-14
Downloads: 1,909
Map Category: Finding Maps

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