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You must go into a resource pack itself and find the 3 color channels in order to restore it, then find the way out. There's red, green, and blue. Guided by the help of three entries, you can find the second route, in total there are two endings.

This map comes with an added resource pack, that's inside the map itself (, it just changes wool colors to be completely well, whatever that color is, this is required to play the map as some of the map relies on the black wool.

Here's a tip: Look out for the gray wool, it'll help you find the second route.

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2018-06-09 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Maowcraft
(64 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 153 KB
Date Added: 2018-06-09
Downloads: 2,922
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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