Claustrophobia Cube is the result of the mapping challenge made by NICO_THE_PRO, consisting on making a map inside a 10x10x10 area. The rules of the contest were:
- You Have to create a map inside a 10x10x10 bedrock area
- Commandblocks can go outside the area, 3 blocks away of it maximum (including redstone components and armor stands)
- The use of fuctions, /clone or Structure blocks is not allowed
- You cannot do any extra plataform/box to store rooms commands
The map itself contains 4 mini-games:
- Parkour: complete 10 random generated parkour courses in under 150 seconds to win
- PvE Arena: kill 50 enemies before dying to win
- Quiz: answer correctly 10 random questions in under 90 seconds to win
- ButtonClicker: click 40 buttons in under 70 seconds to win
- Do you think this will be easy? it's a map inside a 10x10x10 area after all...
Playtime: depends on player skill, speed and memory level, but around 30 minutes.
- Singleplayer only
- No plugins or mod are required
- Minimum render distance 2
- Don't change your gamemode
- Full rules in-game

2018-05-09 - Map Released.