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Illusioner's Fortress

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About your character

For years you've been known as a fearless treasure hunter, who would do absolutely anything to find even only a clue to where a new adventure awaits. So when you had received an old map from anonymous source pointing at some pyramid-like structure in the middle of the ocean, without a second thought you started planning your journey to it. Currently with this seemingly golden opportunity slowly rising at the horizon, you're preparing to set your foot on this mighty structure, being completely unaware how dangerous that place actually is.

About your enemy

Taking the brick pyramid as his home, the Illusioner turned it into a maze with various challenges prepared specifically for those who would like to investigate the structure. Despite having a large amout of corridors, none of them apparently reaches the upper floors of the pyramid, where the Illusioner supposedly resides. The reason behind challenging every intruder is unknown, however weird noises coming from near the top of the pyramid have been reported. Notably, none of those who have ever been trapped in there ever returned.

Tips useful during gameplay


The challenges are grouped by the Paths, with each of them being centered around one theme. The Path concludes with a boss fight and successfully completing it grants more valuable rewards as well as the access to the other Paths.

Suspicious Eyes

Manufactured differently than regular Eyes of Ender, their true purpose remains a mystery. In the pyramid they're located at the end of each challenge and you have to take them in order to progress further.


After completing one of the challenges you'll obtain a fishing rod. The pool of items has been reduced to prevent obtaining overpowered items like bows or enchanted books. You can only fish out: cod, salmon, pufferfish, tropical fish and kelp.

Custom resource pack

Included in the pack with the map. I would highly recommend use this small resource pack in order to experience to map to its full desired extent. It contains an animated custom texture of Eye of Ender as well as extended version of 'calm4' soundtrack that functions as a boss fight theme, it replaces 'mellohi'.

The map is designed for a singleplayer experience only. Playing it on multiplayer may produce undesired results.



2018-03-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: RetroApo
(195 votes)
Map Version: v2.0.3
Minecraft Version: 1.16.2
File Size: 19 MB
Date Added: 2018-03-28
Downloads: 12,001
Map Category: PvE Maps

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