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Spire of Souls: Titanfall

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Map Info

Shrine of Ascendance is the center of the arcane, burried deep in the mountains. For thousands of years it has remained pure, but with it's growth it has attracted malefic beasts from the outer world, beasts of voids who seek to twist the essence.

Ancient protectors who remained on guard of the shrine have been corrupted, their minds distorted and their souls afflicted. Those whom oathed to perserve clarity are devastated, driven to madness by the foreign occupiers and now seek vengeance of those who dare to enter their realm.

The tampered complex which once was the home of peaceful and knowledgable races has now become a life-sucking bastion where even the most brave shivers. Now is your time hero, to battle for the Spire of Souls.

Are you prepared?

Challenge Yourself

Clash with the beast who corrupt the shrine and the twisted protectors whom do not resemble themselves anymore. Conquer their portals on Normal and Challenger difficulties and receive the reward you've earned. Challenger difficulty rewards the most prestige items and advancements.

Can you handle the heat of battle?

Unique Encounters

The first wing of Spire of Souls allows you to travel through the entrance to the sanctuary of the arcane, slaying the remaining protectors of the old time and battling creatures who seem to conquer the bastion.

Storm through the first wing to the Shrine of Ascendance, slaying the remnants of a renowned past:

* Timewarp Bastion
* Overseer's Palace
* The Colosseum
* The Iron Railway
* Lifebinder's Aid

Additional Pages

MinecraftMaps Page
PlanetMinecraft Page


Update 2.5.1:
* Fixed an issue where loot chests wouldn't spawn after defeating "Gurthrog and Karthrag" and "Lifebinder".

Update 2.5:
* Removed obsolete advancements from the advancements tree.



2018-03-10 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Qianna
(184 votes)
Map Version: v2.5.1
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 119 MB
Date Added: 2018-03-10
Downloads: 5,696
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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