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Atilliary Facilities 5

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Important: This map was made for Snapshot 18w05a (Minecraft 1.13).

Atilliary Facilities 5 AKA THE UNHAPPY FACTORY
-By Armystuntman

Made for Minecraft Snapshot 18w05a. I can't guarantee that it will work in any other version!


So you've saved SADOS (Seemingly Alive Disk Operating System) in Atilliary facilities 1 from suicide, and gone on a cool adventure with him in Atilliary Facilities 3 to find out more about his prototype, but he's always wondered... What really happened to his creator, Ashton Mault, back in 1999?

Did SADOS really kill his creator, or does the mystery go deeper than that? It's time for you to go on an epic investigative quest to find the real cause of Ashton Mault's murder, and perhaps even help SADOS redeem himself of his dark, guilty past... Most likely this will be the last of the Atilliary Facilities adventure map series.

I was motivated by the few people that wanted more.


  • Easier and less parkour sections! (Thank goodness)
  • Light puzzle solving! Place SADOS on packed ice so that he can help you progress!
  • Mob Fighting! (But not as ridiculous as Atilliary Facilities 4, don't worry)
  • Multiple Bosses! (3 main bosses, two of which you fight three times, 3 mini-bosses, and a final boss.)
  • A really scary final boss! (Horrifying!)
  • Comedy & Drama!
  • Custom Music! Almost every stage and boss theme has it's own unique orchestral music, style and melody. You can check out the OST here.
  • Three variants of the same ending. (I still consider it one ending though.)


  • Place Atilliary Facilities 5 into your .minecraftsaves folder.
  • Place the two .zip files in your Resourcepacks folder and turn them on in-game in optionsResource Packs...
  • Open it up in minecraft! Make sure to put your "Music" volume in-game to 0% so you can hear the music from the OPTIONAL music resourcepack properly.

YOU NEED TO ENABLE THE "REQUIRED" RESOURCEPACK INCLUDED. Make sure it is on top of your resourcepacks list to override everything. You can also install the optional music as well.


  • Sometimes, the map may randomly crash your game when you die. This can SEVERELY mess things up in the map, and I can't help you there. Try not to die unnecessarily outside bosses. I think it has something to do with long music tracks playing, or something with the snapshot. I can't fix this sadly. If you accidentally get two SADOS' due to this, ignore the other SADOS item or delete it.
  • Don't throw items or SADOS away! NEVER use the item drop button, and DON'T right-click on item frames! (Item Frames will take your item away and you will lose it permanently, breaking the map instantly.)
  • Don't place objects inside chests. You can only place objects with right-click on a block. AND DO NOT RIGHT CLICK ON ITEM FRAMES! I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Extra Info

This map continues after Atilliary Facilities 1 and 3. The other maps, Atilliary Facilities 2 (The Prequel), 4 and The Easiest Adventure MapTM were "filler" maps that take place in the Atilliary canon, but you play as different people. Atilliary Facilities 4 (I.S.M.A) happens between Atilliary Facilities 3 and 5.

This map explains what happened in the AF2 - The Prequel, so you don't need to go back and play it again to know the backstorystory. (It was the worst map anyway.)



2018-02-05 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Armystuntman
(97 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.13
File Size: 110 MB
Date Added: 2018-02-05
Downloads: 2,132
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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