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2. Project Run 2 v1.0.0


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The download above is for the single player version, to download the 2 player version, click here.

Map Info:
Complex is intended to be a single player adventure that sets the player in the midst of a large 3 dimensional maze, rooms are connected together from each of the four walls, as well as above and below.  The player starts with intentionally very little direction. The game adjusts the settings as the player advances. The player must navigate throughout the Complex, room by room in search of the Answer.

"Yeah yeah, another Minecraft maze..."
Rest easy, my friends, this is not an ordinary "maze". Visually, it's quite unique. The end reveals an original, untold story in the world of Minecraft. But the mystery is vague. All that is told is:

"The answer lies before you.
But the only way to the answer is to find the key.
And the only way to the key, is to enter the Complex."

This is my first adventure map. This project took me about 2 weeks to construct.
"COMPLEX" is a Puzzle/Maze/Adventure map for Minecraft 1.5.1
There are elements of Parkour, but do not worry if you hate jumping, all Parkour is OPTIONAL.

1. Difficulty - Easy
2. Mode - Adventure
3. Render Distance - Far
4. Don't break anything.

2 Player Version
I have included a 2 player version. Complex is completely intended for single player. The 2 Player Version will work but it is not recommended. If you do desire to play Complex with a friend, visit the minecraft forums and download the 2 Player Version of the map. You MUST read the READ ME file included in the download file.
Beginning Spawn point should be X 189, Y 61, Z -489


Latest Map Version
Minecraft Forums Thread


2013-05-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: qmagnet
(35 votes)
Map Version: v1.6
Minecraft Version: 1.5.2
File Size: 2.8 MB
Date Added: 2013-05-06
Downloads: 40,754
Map Category: Maze Maps

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