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Calm Before the Snowstorm

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Map Info

  • Multiplayer Compatible
  • Command Blocks must be enabled in order for map to function properly

Calm Before the Snowstorm is a timed map where the player(s) earns "Winter Spendings" by digging snow layers, snow blocks, and packed ice using their respective tools.

Snow Layers earning 1, Snow Blocks earning 2, and Packed Ice earning 3. Players have one hour (shown as 3,600 seconds) to cooperatively earn 50,000 Winter Spendings to purchase a force field.

All players begin with mining fatigue 2 and a wooden pickaxe, and can use their spendings in the shop to buy materials for new items.

Winter Wonder

The Winter Wonder is a mystery crate available to all players in the shop, players earn keys the same way as earning spendings, initially requiring 300 blocks to be dug up, then repeating the requirement of 1000.

Each time there are 0 key pieces remaining, a random player will be given a Winter Wonder Key to use, and the mining fatigue level will decrease, maxing out at Haste 4. The Winter Wonder will grant 1 of 50 items, ranging from Common to Rare to Legendary items. The items being weapons, pickaxes, shovels, and armor pieces.


Hostile mobs have been strengthened at an extreme rate, the undead being equipped with higher health, speed, and ice block helmets, creepers being powered, and spiders inflicting nearby players with blindness.

Night Time

The spawn area will inflict players with wither whenever it is night time to demotivate hiding in the shop.

Time Limit

After an hour of gameplay, the storm will come and all players will be vanquished without the forcefield, the players will be put in creative mode once the force field is purchased.


One of the weapons will include a Malice enchantment, when sneaking with the weapon for 15 seconds, the player will be given a small moment of high speed and strength.


All players have one life.



2018-03-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: KVT
(111 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 5 MB
Date Added: 2018-03-03
Downloads: 2,033
Map Category: Game Maps

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