A Brief History of Slayrs is an adventure map with custom enemies, characters, dialogue, builds, terrain, weapons, and more.
It is a unique experience, of medium difficulty, ranging anywhere from 30 minutes to hours of game play depending on skill set, number of players, and how much you grind (grinding is not necessary to win).
For millennia, the Slayr have been an elite group of people, suiting up and helping any and all who are in need.
But, when a darkness overtakes The Valley, there are none who dare enter, for fear of death. Now, you are here to put a stop to this evil once and for all. You are the Slayr, and you will vanquish all who stand in your way.
- 1-3 Players (The map is easier with more people, so consider inviting your friends)
- Render Distance 12+ (Ideally at least 16, but 12 works. This is not a small map, and you might experience lag)
- Gamemode 2 (At all times, no exceptions) Cheating somewhat allowed (Teleporting to friends and using /kill is fine) Particles on (There is particle usage in the map)
- Clouds off (Not even because it's necessary, it's just... why would you have them on?)
- Command blocks on (I can't stress this enough. TURN ON COMMAND BLOCKS IN YOUR SERVER PROPERTIES)
Henzoid: Creation of characters, story, dialogue, challenges, and enemies
CemreK: Creation of terrain, structures, houses, and shops.

2018-01-18 - Map Released.