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The Spiral

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The Spiral is a hard parkour map. The map have a lot of different themes. Themes like "Jungle","Christmas","Magic Land" and lots more.

This parkour map also have a timer in seconds and minutes. Every new theme have a spawnpoint (the gold pressure plate.

This map don't have shortcuts. So don't lose your time searching for them. It can be played in 1 or 2 even more than 2 players.

BUT IF ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS DIE, THERE IS A CHANCE TO MAKE EVERYONE DIE! Or .. simply use /kill @a Have fun and dont rage quit.

BY THE WAY: Search for the Easter Egg if you want to. (it can be found only in creative and is somewhere in the spiral.

If you really want to find it and you can't, here are the steps: Start placing TNT and ignite it.

You need to make like a cave in the middle of the spiral but at the down part. After some time of using TNT you will find an bedrock room.

If you break the bedrock you'll see a sign. I'm not gonna say what he says.




2018-01-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Wrenger
(601 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 2.64 MB
Date Added: 2018-01-03
Downloads: 37,399
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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