The Second Generation of the fun, survival, game map by CrazyCowMM!
What's the point?
Have fun surviving falling TNT and fireballs with 10 all new maps 4 difficulties and 4 modes!
- Very Easy
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard
- Normal
- Reverse
- Build
- Crazy
v1.1: - Fixed possibility of spawning in creative mode in the spectator area - Removed my name from the scoreboard - Fixed game breaking bug where the player would spawn back at the old lobby. - ANCIENT MAP PACK IS OUT NOW!! - The Great Library - All New Map - Ruins - All New Map - Old Swamp - All New Map - Wizard's Tower - All New Map - Modes, Maps and Difficulties are no longer dependent on players so they won't break when a new player joins mid-game. - Mode and Difficulty signs in the lobby now actually work. - Very Easy mode on Reverse is no longer just a normal game. - Very Easy mode on normal no longer spam drops flash bang mites. - Flashbangs and Poison Bombs now spawn at their normal rates in Alien Invasion. - When dying, players no longer immediately spawn back at the new lobby instead of the spectator zone in the arena. - Probably other things but I can't remember. - All new Lobby - A better way to choose modes, maps, and difficulties - 2 New Unique Bombs - New Spectator function - Spectators can now mess with in game players - An Improved shop - Rebalanced bombs - New Mode! - Lots of bug fixes - Reduced lag, hopefully

2017-10-08 - Map Released.