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Princess Slimara has been captured by the evil king, Slimbo! Your job is to rescue the princess and defeat King Slimbo to end his reign once and for all. Go on an epic adventure with up to as many as 4 players to save Rougeport and Slimey Village! Each player will have an option to choose from 1 out of 4 unique knight classes, each with it's own special abilities. There are hidden items all throughout the map to help with fighting the Slimey Traitors and other mobs. Don't forget to speak to the NPCs if you're ever stuck and needing help.
- A total of 3 boss battles
- Side items
- A total kills and deaths scoreboard
- Difficulty of the mobs automatically change depending on the amount of players playing
- Lots of PvE (Fighting mobs)
- A story with interactive dialogue
- Simple puzzles, some maze, and finding
- Estimated playtime is 30-40 minutes
- Supports 1-4 players, each player having a unique class with unique abilities (Make sure all players have the resourcepack)
- Custom music (Thanks to Craftmazter2000)
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2017-06-02 - Map Released.