Find The Button Islands Edition is a Minecraft adventure map where your quest is to find a stone button on 23 different floating islands!
Each level can and will be dangerous as the player risks being eaten alive by monsters or falling to their doom.
Being the first "Find the Button" map that takes place on islands floating in the sky, Find The Button Islands is sure to give map creators ideas from years to come!
- 1. Play in adventure mode.
- 2. Play on hard mode, peaceful difficulty is cheating.
- 3. No teleporting to other players.
- 4. Particles must stay at minimal to reduce lag since certain mobs have a particle effect.
- Minecraft Version - 1.11 or 1.11.2
- Multiplayer - If on a server be sure to enable command blocks.
- YouTubers - Feel free to record this map, just leave a link in the description please. I'll be looking forward to watching your videos.

2017-05-07 - Map Released.