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Don't Fall off or Else: Mushroom

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First of all, if you haven't played the first map, I recommend that you play the first map, so use this link for the first map: Don't Fall off or Else.

This is the Mushroom Biome Version of Don't Fall off or Else. In this map, it is a 20x20x64 "Chunk" that floats in midair. It is Survival Island Based, except its not an Island.

On the last map, I got a comment about how to make the ground sky, instead of a Land Ground like last map. This ensures that when you fall off, its the Real Deal.

This is my first Map with the Amazing Mod of Spawners GUI, so there is a Dungeon and 2 "Mini-Strongholds" in the map.

This map is much harder than the previous, as there is no Saplings to begin with. There is only 16 Blocks of Wood, which is equivalent to 64 Wooden Planks. There are 2 Ways to get a Sapling:

  • Complete the "Start a Nether Wart Farm" Achievement. (Reward is a Sapling)
  • Find the Dungeon in the map, and it contains Saplings in its Chest.

The Dungeon is a Small Room with 4 Spawners and a Double Chest. (2 Zombie and 2 Skeleton Spawners) It contains items that you will absolutely NEED to get, because otherwise you'll run out of Wood and fail the map.

The 2 "Mini-Strongholds" are small 5x4x5 Rooms made of Stone Bricks. They contain 4 Wood Blocks and a Silverfish Spawner.

Achievements (Key: Achievement Requirement/Reward):

  • Start a Nether Wart Farm/Sapling
  • Create a Splash Potion of Instant Health 2/Pig Spawner
  • Create a Renewable Source of Bones/Diamond Block
  • Create a Full Enchanting Room/OP Sword (I'm not spoiling the Enchantments)

There are 18 Diamond Ore in the Map, 2 Diamond Blocks, and One Diamond in the Dungeon Chest.

Off of one side of the map, there is a Small building made entirely of Emerald Blocks. It has 4 NPC Villagers inside it. The trades have required items to complete some of the Achievements. Off to another, there is 2 Diamond blocks that can be used.

Unlike the last map, there was a Sapling Shop that allowed you to buy a Sapling for 3 Levels. I didn't make that because it would ruin the point of searching for the Dungeon to get the Saplings. Instead the building is a One-Time-Use system that gives Every Player 15 XP Levels, so use it only when you need it.

I give anyone permission to make a Youtube Video out of this map.

Tell your friends, play again, and like this map!

Thank you,


2013-03-31 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Sean081799
(24 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.5.2
File Size: 2.3 MB
Date Added: 2013-03-31
Downloads: 46,428
Map Category: Survival Maps

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