NOTE: If you are a YouTuber, please include a link to the release video in your description - the video contains all installation/gameplay information.
Pokémon Cobalt and Amethyst is a 1.8.8 single player map that recreates the original Pokémon RPG in vanilla Minecraft. This includes battling, capturing, and training Pokémon, fighting trainers, and challenging Gym Leaders and, ultimately, the Pokémon League. The map places itself in a never-before-seen region dominated by an evil force threatening to release a Legendary darkness. Seek the truth with the help of the region's Professor and your rival - either capture it before it's too late, or take Team Tempest down while saving the lives of those closest to you.
Gameplay showcase
Walkthrough + Web Pokédex
NB: You are about to download the YouTuber's Edition of this map (e.g., features an EXP Boost for a faster experience). To play the full version, please refer here.
- Version: 1.8.8 vanilla Minecraft single player. Please do not use any other resource packs or mods (Optifine is recommended)
- Allocate at least 2 GB RAM
- Estimated gameplay time: < 10 hours (YouTuber's Edition)
- Chat settings (this may be adjusted according to your Minecraft client's resolution): Scale: 100%; Focused Height: 120px; Unfocused Height: 100px; Width: 320px
- Set your language to U.S. English
- Set view distance to at least 16 chunks, and FOV to normal
- Set the volume for 'Music' to 0
- Do NOT backtrack in chat. This generally includes attempting to click buttons in previous chat logs. Avoid spam clicking buttons. Previous chat logs serve as memory only
- Do not quit out of the map in the middle of dialogue/cutscene, function, or battle. This will break the map (if this occurs to you, please contact me immediately)
- If there is a clickable arrow in the most recent chat log, you must click it before doing anything else
- All Items work via right-click, except the Bike which is activated by dropping it (default key: Q)
To avoid or remedy any game-breaking glitches, MAKE FREQUENT BACKUPS of the map. Bug tracker.
PRODUCER Phoenix SC LEAD ANIMATORS Major Mushroom Fizzy LEAD ARTISTS Samoroth Major Mushroom Bentroen JayLuxray Charlie LEAD DESIGNERS Phoenix SC Major Mushroom Athesiel MUSIC/SFX DESIGN Cashwarrior Unity Paradox Gamma Jean Luc Daniel Sozdashov Phoenix SC LEAD ENGINEER Phoenix SC GAME/SERVER MANAGER Shockbyte ADDITIONAL MANAGERS CubedHost Tyzoid Joe Mittler jmldroid CO-ARTISTS blitzscrank ExoBiTe CINEMATICS Phoenix SC Athesiel WRITING Athesiel Phoenix SC StikLover ADDITIONAL DESIGNS Phoenix SC Bentroen ExoBiTe CodeNinja StikLover MindlessMC robotthunder500 Sir Drake Skjold MODELLING Major Mushroom Bentroen CodeNinja pollieboy Alex Geenium PortalBeast Croniclebeast PlantMiner Fizzy JayLuxray Jack Theaplusnb MAP DESIGN StikLover Phoenix SC Athesiel Major Mushroom MAP BUILDING Phoenix SC Samoroth Charlie JayLuxray blitzscrank GentlyGentleman Krokobot Fizzy Stalfoes Athesiel CarlTheAlpaca Brodern22 BlueVenom65 Thermo Gamma berd0 OmegaXelix ExoBiTe Major Mushroom FunBluePanda kingsalalander Bentroen Vincent MrFaceKickerMan TigerJolt TheSuperSpawner TheNamesZonty Seth ZdudeXY rednico6 Ultrafireknight MindlessMC PlantMiner yuval Ariel goldenturkey97 MAP ENGINEERS Phoenix SC Shanewolf38 Pandawan AutomaticSnowball Shaggy BrightBrain Bentroen TPCBonehound Gamma Major Mushroom ExoBiTe MindlessMC Fizzy Athesiel Seb Unity Paradox Rexacuse FirEmerald Niko_Nugat Puppet Ultrafireknight eckende Shroomy T_MAN Charlie Tipigeon CONTRIBUTIONS MitheysMeadow Wout12345 MobbinMinecraft xafonyz gentlegiantJGC TrazLander TexelElf RottenNugget SPECIAL THANKS Gatt (Shockbyte) Jesse Bourbeau XerneraC Liam Evans Crafter1024 Topazian PrimoSupremeX 9 Blue Logdotzip IJAMinecraft Onnowhere ShadowWarz

Phoenix Projects, 2017
This project is not affiliated with the Pokémon franchise owned by The Pokémon Company (Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures)

2017-03-21 - Map Released.