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Wrecked on Xena

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Map Info:
You have been selected to embark upon a mission to find a new planet for the ever-expanding human population to migrate to. From the moment you enter your cryostasis chamber, everything goes wrong. Your ship crashes on a strange planet known as Xena, and all your crew members are dead.

Your only hope to escape back to earth is to find a mythical power source known as red matter that is held deep within a dungeon on the planet to power your escape pod. Will you be able to succeed where so many have failed? Can you escape the planet to save humanity?


  1. Play on easy or normal, NOT PEACEFUL
  2. Do not break anything unless instructed to
  3. DO NOT take items out of dispensers
  4. YOU MAY take items out of chests and stoves
  5. Crafting is allowed and needed
  6. Any render works, but normal or below is recommended
  7. A recap and additional rules are given in-game

For an added challenge, try to find all the slimeballs hidden in chests throughout the map!

Althougth the map was created in 1.4.7, it is still compatible with 1.5.1!

***Sequel arriving summer 2013***



2013-03-26 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: bumsnik_united
(9 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
File Size: 8.8 MB
Date Added: 2013-03-26
Downloads: 32,039
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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