Please note:
- This map requires Minecraft 1.12 - Snapshot 17w06a
- You will need to enable snapshots in the Minecraft Launcher to select this version.
- It will NOT work in older client versions.
Snapshot 17w06a added may new things...Including terracotta
This new type of block has raised a lot of question and excitement in the minecraft community. The textures are unique, which gave me an idea. Create a terracotta themed parkour map for my fans. So that is what I did. I present to you, Terracotta Tower, by nerd0101.
Terracotta Tower is a parkour map with 16 levels. Each level is contained in a large cube that looks like a type of terracotta block. There are 16 levels because there are 16 different terracotta blocks. Each level is 16x16x16 blocks in size, but they all contain a special type of parkour based on the theme of the level. From vine to water parkour, this map will give you thrills as you experience first-hand some of the new blocks added to the game! '
- Gamemode adventure
- Difficulty peaceful
- Render distance 16+
- Brightness set to Bright
- Do not cheat
- Get to the top of the tower, one level at a time
- You have to be in minecraft 17w06a!
- If you die, the map restarts so don't die. (It is pretty hard to die!)
- There are 16 levels
- Each level is in a 16x16x16 cube
- Each level looks like an over-sized terracotta block
- Only 2 command blocks were used in the whole map! <---Useless Info :D
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2017-03-01 - Map Released.