Reather's Monster Survival Arena

In this map you can play alone or with friends as you fight off armies of monsters (including Creeper-Men, Ice Zombies and Shadow Skeletons), use whatever loot you can find to buy better equipment (from specially created villager shops) and upgrade your inventory with custom items (each with different abilities) so you can survive the hordes of Mobs. Other Information: This map uses Command Blocks (activate them in multiplayer). It must be played on Easy, Normal of Hard difficulty. You must stay in adventure mode at all times. You ARE allowed to turn on/off Keep Inventory (type /gamerule keepInventory true/false).
2013-03-25 - Map Released. |
Map Creator: | Reather |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.0 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.5.2 |
File Size: | 1.8 MB |
Date Added: | 2013-03-25 |
Downloads: | 58,146 |
Map Category: | PvE Maps |