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SPRINT: Watch Your Step!

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Map Info:
In this map, there is a single strip of blocks that you must jump on. It is much harder than it looks, because there are Pistons that time you for your jump, because otherwise you'll fall into the Void. There are just 3 blocks that are completely stable to stand on, but 2 of them have Tripwire's that trigger the next wave of Pistons.

There are 3 choices of game difficulties to chose from, each with its own thing to it. (Even if Difficulty is Set to Peaceful the entire time)

EASY MODE: You get Speed Potion Effects.
NORMAL MODE: You don't get any Potion Effects.
HARDCORE MODE: You get Slowness Potion Effects.

If you failed more than once, make sure to click the button behind you when you respawn, this will reset the redstone to make the map possible again. (Otherwise you'll fall straight into the void)

Unlike my previous series, The Multi-Colored Parkour, I do NOT recommend this for beginners, because Easy Mode is tough enough, and because this is a VERY technical Parkour.

I give anyone permission to make a video(s) of this map, so feel free to leave your video link in the comments section.

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2013-03-22 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Sean081799
(8 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.5.2
File Size: 218 KB
Date Added: 2013-03-22
Downloads: 48,267
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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