Artistic Thief is BACK with brand new levels! And since few people like sequels for some reason, I made an expansion instead of a sequel. But a lot has changed!
Note: you can play this map if you haven't played v1, but the first 4 levels are easier when you have.
- Added 4 new levels
- Redesigned the Programmer level
- Made a "hint" button for the Survivalfreak level
- Made the tutorial a bit harder, and you might get stuck (it is possible, however)
- Changed the end, it's even worse now
- Used new techniques (chest/hopper detection), new blocks (slime block, observer) and new puzzles!
- This map was my second most popular map ever! First was Make It, Break It.
- Over 20 YouTubers played this map, some small, others really big! Thanks for the support!
- A lot of people thought I had help from friends. Nope, I did it all myself.
- The spin-off Castle Crasher was not well received, and the rip-off The Buglar was hated, not only by me. Might this work?
One more thing:
- If you think you're done, you're not yet...

2016-11-30 - Map Released.