You are in a black box. So get out. Well, that's about the story so far.
This is part 1 of a double map. The next will be... The answer is in the game.
There is a small story in this map, combined with several small puzzles and a small finding game. The map can take 15 minutes if you know what to do, and more if you don't. But everything is not what it looks like... if you even can look.
- Singleplayer only.
- No cheats, it's not hard.
- Difficulty Peaceful, commandblocks do the rest
IMPORTANT! If you spawn, type /spawnpoint IMMEDIATELY! It's hard to set it myself, and it is probably not correct set. The rest is done by commands.
No jumpscares or something, but don't lose your head. It won't be good for my reputation.

2016-11-12 - Map Released.