Map Trailer
Resource Pack (Required)
Playing as a member of the Border Patrol, it is your job to build a wall to defend your country! Purchase different types of walls from Donald Trump to build the greatest wall possible. At night, you will need to defend both the wall and Donald Trump from attackers who try to get to your side of the border.
This game uses a custom 3D model for rifles, as well as custom sounds and reload effects. Please make sure you use the resource pack, and everyone on the server does, or else it will be much harder to play. Each round a random players are chosen to be the Border Patrol and the rest are on the other team. In order to play, you need at least 3 players who have readied up. This game also has an Anti-Break system in place so it will not break unless you tamper with the redstone or go into creative. If it does somehow break, please email or message me about it and I will fix it as soon as possible.
- A large map with custom terrain
- Custom M4A4 Model
- Custom Sound Effects and Special Effects
- Over 20 custom items to defend your wall!
- Anti-Break Protection System- (ensures game won't Break!)
If you make a video, please leave a link in the comments so I can see it. If there are any glitches/issues feel free to leave a comment or contact me at [email protected]
2016-10-31 - Map Released.