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The Ascent

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Map Info

You wake without any memories, to find out you're in someone's test chamber. The scientist is gonna test you through multiple areas, leading to his laboratory, in the End. You begin in the Nether, will you make that ascension without any problems?

The Ascent is a map based on levitation. It has 10 levels, each one having its own theme. You'll begin in the Nether, and you have to make your way to the End, and finally, the scientist's laboratory.

Are you ready for this level-based adventure map, with an interesting plot and challenges ?

This map offers challenges such as puzzle, parkour, elytra, unique mechanics, temple-run like parkour, and more ! Find the 10 hidden diamonds, there's one in each level. There are also a few easter eggs, can you find those ?



2016-09-25 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Jbip
(131 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.10.2
File Size: 3.4 MB
Date Added: 2016-09-25
Downloads: 6,023
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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Categories: 25

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