404 Challenge Enhanced

Remember the old survival beta Minecraft 404 challenge? It has returned once more in this map with some new features, while also keeping a lot of the old beta mechanics! What is the 404 challenge? It was a challenge created by Neoxx that came into existence 5 years ago when world seeds first came out. It involved putting in 404 as the world seed for a survival world, gathering resources on the surface, and then when night time hit delving deep into a treacherous cave hidden below a patch of gravel. When in the cave you would try and survive for as long as possible while completing achievements, never returning to the surface ever again. You only had one life to work with - when you died it was game over. Using torches in the challenge is banned, meaning lighting up caves is a lot more trickier. In this map you will get to re-experience what it was like caving in Minecraft beta once more! There is no hunger bar, no sprinting, food instant heals you, no swing timings with swords, no shields, and there is no enchanting tables in this. The cave system you will experience is not at all like the ones that you are used to, there are holes everywhere in the floor and in the ceiling, and there are twists and turns around almost every corner! This is caving before it became incredibly easy like it is today. You better become brave and think logically for this one, as you can easily die especially on harder difficulties.
Players: 1+, multiplayer fully supported *Experience the 404 challenge once more, now updated to 1.10 while keeping most of the old beta mechanics!
2016-09-19 - Map Released. |