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Cobblestone Conversion

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Map Info

Made by AmericanRobin & AgentOppenheimer.

Cobblestone Conversion is full of humorous dialogue, unique puzzles, and surreal story elements.

It can be played with up to 3 players (1 or 2 is recommended) and only requires basic knowledge of Minecraft and Minecraft Adventure Maps.


You are a worker in Sector 7 who dreams of escaping his bleak reality for freedom.

Find a way to flee the confines of the walls that surround you and your creativity. You can break free from authority, but will you go too far?

Additional Info

This map has been play-tested several times, but some bugs may slip through the cracks.

Please let us know if there are any changes to make in the comments.

Texture Pack


Single Player Settings

Enable Cheats by opening to LAN, then OP yourself with the command /op YourPlayerName

Multiplayer Server Settings

  • enable-command-block = true
  • difficulty = 3



2016-08-18 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: AmericanRobin
(258 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8.7
File Size: 43.37 MB
Date Added: 2016-08-18
Downloads: 7,130
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

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