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Multi-Colored Parkour: The Death Penalty

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Map Info:
In this map, there is one round, and it has a lot of simple jumps (Ex: 3 block jumps) to reduce lag. There are a few pistons, but it shouldn't be a problem, since there aren't that many. I added 2 new blocks in the game:

  • Cobwebs: To slow you down in midair, mainly as a guide on where to jump.
  • Soul Sand: Make jumping a lot harder.

There is no water at the bottom, just the void. That's why its called the Death Penalty, because if you fall, there's no coming back.

There is ONE checkpoint in the map, so don't miss it.

This is meant for, but not limited to Single Player. If you would like to play on Multi-Player, then grab an extra pair of Feather Falling 4 boots. If it is a Bukkit Server, make sure to Enable Command blocks so the game's Command Blocks function correctly.

I give anyone permission to make a video(s) of this map.

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Previous Maps:
Multi-Colored Parkour
Multi-Colored Parkour: The Next Level


2013-03-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Sean081799
(13 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
File Size: 239 KB
Date Added: 2013-03-03
Downloads: 35,762
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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